Outrageous! Disheartening! Disgusting!

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Excellent, thank you!

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This is one of those pieces of legislation that leaves you scratching your head unless you have a good lens through which to view it.

Four months ago, Mike Johnson was playing the part of a fiscally sane leader. No vote on Ukraine, and no vote on Israel aid, unless and until we get a vote on putting resources toward our own gaping border! Made sense? Certainly.

Fast forward four months: They give billions to Ukraine, and billions to Israel. The former is being flushed down the toilet as anyone with eyes and a willingness to see knows that Ukraine has lost. Billions won't save it. Nothing is allocated to the border.

What changed? Nothing. So, why did they sneak this through over the weekend, like so much of the skullduggery these days?

I think it has most to do with the FISA legislation -- both what has existed for decades, and the expanded powers they just gave the spooks the weekend before this.

In a word: I wager that most of these Congress people are compromised. The Deep State permanent bureaucracy has used FISA and similar tools to build out blackmail profiles on all these people and/or the people they cherish. When votes like this come up, they let them put up token resistance initially. It wouldn't seem legit if they didn't. But, when push comes to shove, they're told: You will vote this way, and you can continue to feather your nest, insider trade stocks, enjoy the perks of office, etc.

Or, this [photo / report / harmful set of facts / etc.] could come to light.

Your choice.

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It’s still up to us, “we the people “ to at least take the steps we can. At least by writing our Congressional Reps or in some cases running for office in opposition. Complacency is what got us here and unfortunately it’s the same force keeping us here.

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This is so wrong on its face and applying any objective measure that those who are voting for it must know that it’s wrong. They are so captured by a broken and corrupted system that they have no means to stop themselves .. like an alcoholic with a failing liver who’s next drink may be their last.

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I am glad that our Congressman Posey voted against this insanity. It’s a nice change from him formerly supporting aid to Ukraine. I know that myself and others have written him multiple times about cutting this insanity. The problem is that 99.9% of voters are either ignorant or lazy or just convinced that a letter to their Congressman means nothing. Those of you out there with a RINO as your representative have only yourselves to blame. Change starts with US.

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beyond stupid

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— “ WE, T H E P E O P L E 👁️👁️ •••

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“ E V I L “ AGAINST THE A M E R I C A N P E O P L E •••••••••• ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

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