It’s pretty clear that it’s being done on purpose in order for the beast system to rise up the Babylon whore must be killed..The USA is that whore..Don’t believe me read the book of revelations in your bibles

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The show the article is describing, is all being done on purpose. Yes, they weaponized the dollar for two reasons. They are pretending to defend and save an already dead/dying empire (Amerika). Which would be the domestic purpose or lense. The international pupose is; acting in this tyrannical manner on purpose, helps to transition power from the West to the East creating the new world order they want. The Fed/gov is trying to lose reserve status on purpose slowly, while pretending to fight against it. They want a new world order. They hate America, it's former prosperity and way of life. They want it destroyed. That's why they are doing everything they can to make people flee America, decouple from the dollar and not want to do business or anything with America. We are and have been under siege people!

Substack Read: what's the DILL?


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"And when they can't dump them to each other anymore at lower values, those dollars will come back to the U.S. where they'll buy stuff that Americans now own. Like titles to stocks and real estate and so forth. "

If I am right, asset owners of stocks & real estate will benefit from this, whereas the pleb will suffer from high inflation.

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Apr 24Liked by Matt Smith, Lau Vegys

Weaponising foreign exchange reserves is extremely shortsighted and foolish. It represents a conviction that the people now in power will never have to fear the consequences of their actions. Either they plan to make many things much worse, or they have an intricate plan to avoid the suffering their actions are now going to cause.

It's always fun to see hubris in action, especially up close. They always look so surprised when they are finally destroyed.

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