Soon your passport will be supplemented or replaced by a UN/WHO passport. Doug Casey and I have been telling you this for nearly 18 months on our podcast.
And while the covid hysteria is fading, this totalitarian trend marches on.
At the G20 meeting in Indonesia, our ‘leaders’ signed a declaration agreeing to a standardized vaccine passport to ‘facilitate’ travel.
Once implemented, only those who comply with the WHO list of required vaccines, will be allowed to travel internationally.
Will it stop at vaccines? Probably not. Expect your carbon footprint and social credit score to be connected to the same Digital ID
Clearly, we cannot vote our way out of this. This is happening.
What can we do?
For the last two years on the Doug Casey’s Take podcast we’ve covered the march toward the Great Reset and along the way we repeatedly asked ourselves, “What are we to do?”
Both Doug and I have taken specific actions to mitigate the consequences of the looming chaos. But, there is still much work to do. And that’s why we launched
What’s Phyle all about?
Phyle is a place where like minded folks meet to develop solutions.
Watch the video below for the details and an invitation to join us.
Will be in Uruguay Tuesday. Any way to meet?